A professional website showcasing my skills as a full stack developer.
Training a custom machine learning model to play n-dimensional games of snake using a genetic learning algorithm.
For the duration of my Independent Study course, I have been tasked with researching the architecture of Large Language Models, a cutting-edge technology in the Artificial Intelligence landscape.
Making a custom node server to remotely access VMWare api endpoints. I wanted to use this program to automate development process for my CS341 class.
This bot will provide services for the UMB CS Club website for rsvp and user database management.
A browser interface for managing and streaming audio files from an SSH server
A promise-based, JavaScript library for Spotify Web API; made to simplify spotify app integration for developers.
Vibrantly visualized live tracker of MBTA subway trains using NextJS.
Felt like playing Minesweeper, so I made it. 5head